So COVID-19 has us all running around frantically trying to adapt to the new age we seem to be living in which is replete with biological safety measures to isolate us all from each other in an attempt to prevent the transmission of hostile little “things” from getting us and causing a variety of ailments.
So… one of the things that we do as a society is head out in our vehicles to get the ubiquitous “drive-through meal” from our local purveyors of “rapid sustenance.”
While there we are required to pay for our speedy meal by means of the ever-present pin pad device with which we transfer our hard-earned currency to the purveyor of delicious treats in exchange for said “nourishment”.
The pin pad device up to this point has been handed out the little “window of fiduciary exchange” for us to tap swipe or otherwise insert the banking plastic of our choice to complete the transaction.
This has been done by hand and more recently been done through a variety of unique and innovative methods including the ever-popular Canadian RedGreen method of Duct tape and a hockey stick.
This goes a long way to isolating the operator from the user but doesn’t take into account the need to easily and rapidly disinfect the unit in between uses. Duct tape being particularly sketchy as a hygienically compatible surface for washing off “greeblies” as the medical profession likes to call them. Nor does it account for a professional feel that sometimes comes with dealing with a billion-dollar corporation.
And so let us introduce Phase One of the solution to this problem…
I know, I know… brilliant marketing…
THE STICK is a purpose-built device that incorporates features to universally mount a wide variety of pin pads from the different manufacturers out in the world.
THE STICK is adjustable as well for the operator to change the “Angle of Profference” dependant on the average height of the vehicles outside to the altitude of the window and the operator of the Pin Pad Device.
THE STICK does all this while maintaining the ability to spray everything down between uses by being a very cleanable plastic surface with stainless steel and brass hardware being used to fasten everything together and deal with all the bits that need to be adjustable.
We will have some test installations for your viewing pleasure shortly and in the meantime take a look at what we’ve done so far… and feel free to take advantage of our introductory pricing and order now in our shop.