VORPAL or the Virus Optimized Respirator Passive Active Limiting unit is a high tech take on keeping yourself isolated from the COVID-19 virus… or any other pathogen that happens to be floating past on the latest breath of air in the supermarket.
OK yes its a convoluted naming process but I wanted it to evoke the image of the Vorpal Sword from Alice in wonderlands “The Jabberwocky”. Which in general seems to be appropriate as we’ve clearly all fallen through the looking glass recently… somewhere about January 14th 2020 I’m thinking.
This helmet has a dual method of restricting the ingress of hostile particles into your personal breathing space.
One: It has an Active UVC Chamber that exposes all incoming air to a blast of cleansing UVC light from LED’s in the 275nm range.
Two: It has a passive filtration system that is made of a multilayer sandwich of what is currently “TOP SECRET” material. This material has previously been used in experiments in computer hardware science in the construction of more efficient hard drives. We are using it for its antiviral properties in conjunction with its structure which has pores too small for the virus to enter. So not just blocking them from coming in… but passively destroying them through exposure to the material it is made of.
Prototypes are in the making and pending successful testing we will be releasing this on Kickstarter to allow us to get up to production to satisfy demand.